The Aadhaar Card digital signature or Aadhaar e-signature is a unique electronic signature based on an individual’s Aadhaar data. It is an encrypted signature that is designed to electronically sign digitized documents like letters, agreement, etc. It holds the same value as a handwritten signature. Digital signatures are different from electronic signatures. While electronic signatures usually imply entering the name in the electronic document, digital signatures are cryptographically included in the digital document.
Let’s take a look at the benefits of Aadhaar e-Signature.
Before you validate your Aadhaar e-Signature via your mobile phone, you need to download the mAadhaar app first by following these simple steps:
Next, follow these steps for validating Aadhaar e-Signature through your mobile phone:
Below are the steps for validating e-Aadhaar PDF Digital Signature via Adobe Reader:
How can I verify my Aadhaar card signature?
Aadhaar card signature can be verified either online or offline. For the offline method, you can visit any registered Aadhaar centers strategically located across India. The available online methods are through the mAadhaar mobile application or digital biometric verification via Adobe Reader.
What is Aadhaar digital signature?
The Aadhaar digital signature, also referred to as Aadhaar e-signature, is a unique electronic signature based on the information that you have registered with Aadhaar. It is an encrypted signature that can be effectively used to electronically sign digitized documents. It is hassle-free and instant.
Is downloaded Aadhaar card valid?
Downloaded Aadhaar or e-Aadhaar is a valid and secure electronic document that is treated at par with a printed Aadhaar letter.
What is validity unknown in Aadhaar card?
While verifying a digital signature in Aadhaar downloaded on your mobile phone, you have to visit the official website of UIDAI and click on the ‘Validate Option’ tab and then on the ‘validity unknown’ option to start with the process of digital signature verification.
Why is Aadhaar signature not verified?
Signature verification is an integral part of issuing an Aadhaar card. The reason for seeing the signature not verified message is because the digital certificate associated with the signature has not been validated.
What is Aadhaar based e-sign?
The Aadhaar digital signature or Aadhaar e-signature is a unique electronic signature based on Aadhaar data. It is an encrypted signature that is designed to electronically sign digitized documents.