SEBI has made it compulsory for all banks and financial institutions to link the demat accounts of their customers to their individual Aadhaar Card number. Demat accounts that have not been linked with Aadhaar Card number by the stipulated deadline of 31st December, 2017, have been deactivated. National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) has been authorised with the responsibility of securely linking demat accounts of investors to Aadhaar Card number. NSDL not only streamlines and simplifies this process, but also makes investing seamless on a 24*7 basis.
All that investors have to do to link their demat account with Aadhaar Card number is visit the official website of NSDL and click on tab named ‘Link Aadhaar with demat Account’ on the home page. The visitors are taken to a separate page that enlists the detailed guidelines of the linking procedure. After reading the process, visitors have to click on the ‘Get Started’ tab to enter the necessary information and complete the procedure.
Linking Aadhaar Card number to demat account can be done by following these simple steps:
How to know if Aadhaar is linked to my trading and demat account?
Demat accounts that had not been linked with Aadhaar Card number by the deadline of 31st December 2017, as declared by the Government of India, have been deactivated. If you wish to activate them or are planning to open a new demat account, you have to link it with your Aadhaar Card number for it to be functional.
Apart from Aadhaar card, which document is required for opening a trading account?
The following is the list of proofs required for opening a trading account:
Is NSDL offering any online method of Aadhaar Card and demat account linking?
Yes, you can link your Aadhaar Card number to demat account through the official website of NSDL by following these simple steps: