You bought clothes, TV, furniture and everything else online... Then why are you still hesitant to buy car insurance online? Have a quick look at some of the awesome benefits!

In this day and age, you most definitely have bought something or the other online. From clothes, flight and train tickets to gadgets, literally, EVERYTHING is available online. With the e-commerce industry gaining momentum, there is a massive increase in the number of people looking for solutions online. In case of insurance it isn't any different! I am hoping you or someone you know has most definitely given Coverfox a try!
However, if you are one of those who are reluctant to go ahead with online transactions and are wary of buying a car insurance policy online either because of some misconception or because you are unaware, this article IS FOR YOU!
Key Benefits of buying car insurance online
1. It is cheaper
Like is the case with most things you buy online buying a car insurance policy online is cheaper too than buying it offline. The companies offer lower rates on online purchase as the process involves less paperwork and there are other operational savings which can easily be passed on to you.
2. Paperless transactions
Getting into any paperwork is always tedious and messy. Buying policy offline requires a lot of documentation When you buying a policy online, it is extremely simple and requires only a few steps. Besides saving the environment, you are actually being very efficient as well!
3. Easy, time saving and convenient
Where buying insurance offline involves filling up details in a long form, when buying online you need to put in fewer details. Moreover, like most e-commerce websites, online brokers such as us have designed the user interface and flow of transaction and availability of information in an easy to understand and efficient manner. This helps to make the process much more quicker and easier for the user. And who wouldn't love to cut out all the hassle of going out and standing in lines, when it can be done in the comfort of your home, office or even from your mobile, while on the move.
4. Instant Policy
When you buy a policy offline, there is a lot of time taken to process physical documents, whereas, when you go online, the processing of information is instant and so is the issue of your policy.
5. Easy endorsements in policy
Endorsement is change of particular detail in the policy document. In case of offline endorsement the details needs to be re-submitted to the insurance company along with an endorsement form. However, for online endorsement a simple self-declaration is enough which can be done at the click of a button.
6. All your policy documents backed-up/saved in one place
If you buy a policy online you will always have the soft-copy saved with you in an email or in case of Coverfox, on your online account with us! Access your policy at any time, from anywhere!
7. You can easily review policies and read others' reviews
Like it is true for any other product available online you can look for policy reviews by previous customers and their experience with the product before buying a policy. You can also compare features of a few policies before buying a policy and know about the reputation or issues with a company you may zero in on. In case you buy a policy from broker or aggregator you can compare car insurance quotes from different companies in one go easily and quickly.
8. Reminders for renewal and no need to refill all the information at the time of renewal
Since all the data captured is saved with the company online, on renewal it is becomes extremely easy for you to reload your information. You don't need to fill the entire form again which you will have to offline. In case you choose to buy your policy on Coverfox, you will also get timely reminders so you never forget to renew your car insurance in time.
Misconceptions about buying insurance online
1. Authenticity
All the policies issued from any licensed broker, web aggregator or insurance company (which is registered with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)) are 100% authentic. IRDA is a government regulatory body for insurance business, set up by the Govt. of India for regulating the industry and ensuring there is no malpractice. So an IRDA license is proof for you rest your doubts about authenticity, especially when it comes to dealing with online brokers such as us.
2. Reliability
The whole world has now moved to transacting online. It is a reliable and convenient option. You bank online, transfer money online, buy rail tickets online. Insurance is just as easy and safe to buy online. Moreover, specifically at Coverfox, we have strict privacy and security policies and have compliance with global security standards to ensure your transactions via us are absolutely safe.
3. Geographical distance
Some users may be reluctant to buy a policy from insurance companies that are not in their vicinity for fear that claims may be difficult to process. But with the changing times, you should understand that the geography doesn't matter since you can now make claims from anywhere in the country and they will start the processing cycle immediately as opposed to when you file for claim offline. The best part of having an online broker is that they hand hold you through the claims process and make it extremely easy for you.
Embrace new technology and buy car insurance online in few simple steps. Begin Now.