Accidents can cause irreparable damage to life and hence, it is always advisable to be prepared for such unforeseeable eventualities and mishaps. If so, you may ask: how can I be prepared? The answer is – you should make enough provisions that’ll be beneficial in case of any unfortunate event involving your car.
What could be more rewarding that investing in a pertinent insurance cover that’ll ascertain its worth, in times required? Along with your car, there are ways to secure your life as well, in the form of a Personal Accident cover. In fact, it is observed that most of the motor vehicle accidents leave the victims mortally injured and confined to bed for a relatively long period of time. In order to effectively deal with such situations in life, a policy cover is essential to ensure your financial security. Also, you might not realise but this would prove to be a great help to the people who are financially dependent on you in the long run.
Why should you need a personal accident cover in car insurance?
Saving for the rainy day is something that most people conveniently forget these days. Because we often live under the false impression that nothing bad or accidents would not happen to us. As a result, we are least bothered about insuring ourselves against such unpleasant events. But prevention is better than cure and it is highly advisable to be prepared for all possible mishaps in life. The consequences of a serious car accident, for example, will be far-reaching and unbearable. Grave injuries, if sustained, would confine the victim to bed and thus, potentially prevent him/her from earning his/her livelihood for a longer period of time. This, in turn, takes a heavy toll on those dependent on him/her. But a personal accident cover will prove to be your savior if you are wise enough to make the best choice.
Insurance Companies offer you tax-free compensations in the event of loss of life or serious injuries. The amount is paid either as lump sum or in installments. Besides, there are certain criteria that are taken into consideration when claim on your policy. Graver the injuries, higher the amount you are paid. But rest assured that even for the minor injuries that you sustain, you will be appropriately compensated. This way, you are able to meet your hospital expenses or you are able to look after yourself without being a financial burden.
Features covered in Personal Accident cover?
Depending upon the insurance, all or some of the below features are covered in the Personal Accident cover.
Death Cover - In the ill-fated event of death of the insured due to an accident, the entire Sum Insured will be paid to the nominee.
Permanent Total Disability Cover - In the disastrous event of permanent total disability of the person due to an accident, the insurance company will pay the entire Sum Insured to the person.
Permanent Partial Disability Cover- In the event of permanent partial disability of the person due to an accident, the insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the Sum Insured, depending on the extent of disability.
Benefits of Personal Accident Cover in Car Insurance
There are a number of benefits that Personal Accident cover in a car insurance offers you.
Provides you financial support when you need it most.
The magnitude of the mishap doesn't matter; even in case of minor injuries, you receive appropriate compensation. Private insurance companies offer a higher cover and a wider range of benefits, but the premium rates are higher too.
Apart from the basic death and permanent disability cover, you can buy additional protection against partial and temporary disability, even loss of livelihood.
Undisputedly, Personal Accidents can bring about destruction and wreckage in anybody’s life. Being monetarily set is vital to cope with any major accident causing death or permanent impairment. Severe injuries triggered by a personal accident can gravely affect your earning competences, day-to-day expenditures, financial security of your immediate family and can consequently impact your life in more than one way.