Today, credit cards are the go-to source for emergency funds for many working individuals. They are the easiest way to ‘borrow’ money at small affordable interest rates. In fact, this is the reason why credit cards are becoming a must-have for every working individual.
The immediate money reserve helps you get through the month by not having to worry about digging a hole in your pocket. The most important advantage is that the money can be directly paid to the vendor or dealer, or you can cash it out from an ATM.
Credit cards are there to take care of your urgent financial needs and several banks including HDFC have realised this and have introduced various schemes with them. They have launched credit cards for various niches.
For Example: You can find travel specific credit cards for frequent travellers and there are shopping cards for shopaholics. Each of these cards will have tailor made offers catering to the niche.
HDFC Bank is a trusted financial institution which has several branches throughout India. It has been providing loans and other financial services to citizens for decades. The wide range of credit cards it has introduced offers many benefits to the user and ensures easy repayments. Some of these benefits are-
For example, a regular platinum credit card will help you get a discount on every fuel recharge with a payment of more than Rs. 250.
Though CIBIL report is the first thing that the bank goes through, there are many other factors that the bank goes through in order to issue a credit card. If your credit card application has been rejected, even with a good CIBIL score, then you should make sure that it's not one of the following:
A bad CIBIL score doesn’t mean that you cannot improve it. Improving the CIBIL score takes a little time and effort. Here are a few tips on how to improve your CIBIL score.
Can I get a Loan on HDFC’s Credit Card?
Yes, it is possible to get a loan on an HDFC credit card. You can check the eligibility criteria on HDFC’s official website.
What are the Eligibility Criteria for Getting an HDFC Credit Card?
The basic requirements for an HDFC credit card are:
What if I have a low CIBIL Score, will HDFC Bank Still Give me a Credit Card?
Though the bank does not explicitly refuse the application, the chances of getting a credit card are reduced with a CIBIL score of less than 700.
Does skipping HDFC credit card payments affect my CIBIL score?
Consecutively missing credit card payments will affect your credit score. Whereas, skipping one payment will not change the CIBIL score.
Will a loan settlement with HDFC credit card affect my CIBIL score?
Yes, loan settlements can negatively affect your CIBIL score. Though ‘settled’ leaves a bad impression on your CIBIL score, it is way better than unpaid or pending.
Can I get more than three HDFC bank credit cards if I have a good CIBIL score?
You can get more than three HDFC bank credit cards of different types, but it depends more on your credit score. You’ll have to fulfil many other requirements to get more than three credit cards.