People of all age love to drive a motor vehicle as it has made travelling easier and comfortable. Today people are no longer dependent on public transport as buying a car has now become easy with the easy availability of car loans. However, before one takes their car on the road, owning a driving license is extremely important as driving a car without a valid driving license is illegal. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 clearly states that no individual can drive a vehicle on the Indian roads without a valid driving license. The first step towards getting a driving license is to get a learning license. Once the applicant has received the learning license, he can apply for a driving license online too. Today many state and city RTO offices offer online driving license services that lets an individual apply for a DL online.
A vehicle insurance is mandatory for every vehicle as per The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
Depending on your state and city RTO, you will be able to upload your documents, photographs and signature online. And if your RTO does not provide the online service, then you will have to visit the RTO and do so.
Age proof:
Address proof:
Other documents:
Here are a few eligibility requirements a driving license applicant should comply with in order to apply for a DL online in India.
With the advent of technology, the Motor Vehicles Department of every state and city has made it easy for a driving license applicant to apply for the DL online. This has thus helped applicants in more than many ways as they can now apply for the DL from the comfort of their home. The applicant does not have to visit the RTO and stand in a long queue to get the DL application form as he can simply download the form online or fill and submit it online. Depending on the service provided by the RTO, the applicant can also book the slot for a driving test online in order to obtain the driving license.
Prior to getting a driving license, it is important for an individual to hold a driving license only after which he would be able to apply for a learning license.
Here is how you can apply for learning license online in India.
Few states and city RTOs in India do not have the online application facility
Age Proof: (You can submit any of the below documents)
Address Proof: (You can submit any of the below documents)
Other documents
Yes, you can pay driving license fees online, provided your state or city RTO provides you with this facility.
You can apply for driving license renewal online in India, but you will have to visit the RTO for the verification process only after which the renewed DL will be issued to you.