If you are a resident of Bengaluru and have not obtained a driving license yet, then now is the time to. The Regional Transport office of Bengaluru is established as per the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 that directs the building of an effective and safe public transport system in the city. The Bengaluru RTO functions as per the MVA Act, 1988 that makes it mandatory for an individual to hold a valid driving license. Today as people travel mostly by roadways in Bengaluru, it is necessary for an individual to hold a DL to be able to freely drive in public areas of the city. If you are looking to apply for a driving license in Bengaluru, then here’s how you can do so. Read all about obtaining driving license and procuring other DL related services in Bengaluru.
A vehicle insurance is mandatory for every vehicle registered at Bengaluru RTO as per The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
Depending on the type of vehicle an individual wants to drive, the Bengaluru RTO issues him a driving license. However, the eligibility criteria for availing driving license for various types of vehicle vary. Here is a list of different types of driving licenses issued in Bengaluru:
The Bengaluru RTO issues a driving license depending on the eligibility of an individual to avail the same. The eligibility criterion listed by the Bengaluru RTO depends on the age of the individual and class of the vehicle he wants to drive.
An applicant applying for a driving license in Bengaluru will have to submit the below documents. On submission of the documents, the applicant will be allowed to appear of the driving test.
Any one of the below age proof documents
Any one of the below address proof documents
In Bengaluru, applying for a driving license is easy as the applicant can procure the DL online or offline.
Online application process to apply for driving license in Bengaluru
To apply for a driving license online in Bengaluru, an applicant will have to follow the below process:
Offline application process to apply for driving license in Bengaluru
To apply for a driving license offline in Bengaluru, an applicant will have to follow the below process:
A driving license in Bengaluru can be obtained by an individual if the DL is lost, stolen or damaged. The applicant applying for a duplicate driving license will have to follow the below process.
First, submit the below documents to the RTO
Procedure for obtaining Duplicate Driving License in Bengaluru
If the applicant is applying for a duplicate driving license due to damage to the original DL, then the RTO will seize his original DL and then provide him with a duplicate DL. If the applicant loses his DL, then he will have to immediately file an FIR copy on the basis of which the RTO will issue him a duplicate copy of the DL. The applicant will have to obtain a duplicate DL within 6 months from the date of loss. If the applicant does not apply for a duplicate DL within the grace period of 6 months, then he will have to obtain a special permission from the headquarters of the transport department reasonably stating the cause of the delay in filling the application.
The applicant can apply for a driving license in Bengaluru online through parivahan.gov.in or can directly visit the RTO to procure the same. The duplicate DL will be sent to the applicants registered address on verification of the documents by an RTO official.
Once the applicant obtains a permanent driving license in Bengaluru, he will have to renew the DL issued after 20 years or at the time he attains the age of 50, whichever is earlier.
To renew a driving license in Bengaluru, the applicant will have to submit the below documents
Procedure for application of renewal of driving license in Bengaluru
An applicant can renew his driving license in Bengaluru within 30 days from the date of expiry. If the applicant does not renew his license within the grace period, then he will have to pay an additional charge of Rs. 1000 per year for late renewal.
To obtain a renewed DL, the applicant will have to submit the applicant form, documents and fees either online through parivahan.gov.in or directly to the RTO. On verification of the documents, the renewed DL will be issued to the applicant on the same day.
The motor licensing authority issues an International Driving License in Bengaluru to an individual who wishes to drive his motor vehicle in foreign countries.
An individual will have to submit the below documents to the RTO office
Procedure to apply for an International Driving License in Bengaluru
An applicant can apply for a driving license in Bengaluru directly through RTO office or online through parivahan.gov.in. Once the documents are verified, the applicant will receive the international driving permit in Bengaluru via speed post.
On completing the application process, the final step towards obtaining a driving license is by appearing for a driving license test on the basis of which the applicant is issued a driving license. The applicant will have to appear for the DL test on the given date and time. The test is conducted as per rule 15 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. The test is conducted in the presence of a motor vehicles inspector who tests the applicants driving license skills. The applicant will be asked about his familiarity of the vehicle he is driving and also his knowledge about traffic rules and regulations is tested. During the test, two-wheeler and three-wheeler applicants will have to drive the vehicle along an ‘H’ shaped track, while the four-wheeler applicant will have to drive the vehicle along an ‘S’ shaped track. While appearing for the test, the applicant has to make sure that he shifts the gears of the vehicle properly, makes use of the rear and side view mirrors, does not turn off the vehicle till it completely stops by itself and others.
A smart card driving license issued in Bengaluru contains details such as an applicant’s name, vehicle class, vehicle type, date of birth, address and others.
The application fee for availing a smart card DL in Bengaluru is Rs. 200.
You can inquire about your driving license status in Bengaluru at the RTO office where you applied for the DL or can look for it sarathi.nic.in.
The application fee for a driving license test in Bengaluru is Rs. 50.
If you fail the driving license test Bengaluru then you can re-appear for the test after 7 days.
You can obtain your driving license in Bengaluru form the below RTO offices.
Bengaluru, Karnataka , 3rd Block, Bda Shopping Complex, Koramangala, Bengaluru – 080 25533525
Bangalore West (Rajajinagar) , Corporation, Shopping Complex, Rajajinagar, Bangalore – 560010
Bangalore East (Indiranagar) , 2ND Floor, BDA Complex, Indiranagar, Bangalore – 560038
Bangalore North (Yeshwanthpur) , 3, Corporation Complex, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore – 560022
Bangalore South (Jayanagar) , Jayanagar Shopping Complex, 4TH Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560011