As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, a driving license is an essential document to possess in order to drive a motor vehicle in the city of Kozhikode, Kerala. Holding a driving license legally permits an individual to drive his vehicle in public areas of Kozhikode. The first step towards obtaining a driving license in Kozhikode is to get a learner’s license, after which an application for a permanent DL can be made. So, if you are looking to obtain a driving license in Kozhikode, then here’s a guide that will explain the DL application process in detail.
A vehicle insurance policy is mandatory for every vehicle registered at Kozhikode RTO as per The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
The Kozhikode RTO issues a driving license to an individual depending on the type of motor vehicle he wants to drive or ride.
The eligibility criteria for obtaining a driving license in Kozhikode depends on the type of motor vehicle an individual wants to drive. Below are a few eligibility requirements that need to be complied with to obtain a DL in the city.
Below documents are required to be submitted to the Kozhikode RTO for obtaining a DL in the city:
Having a driving license in Kozhikode gives an individual the freedom to drive his vehicle anywhere in the country. Application for a driving license in Kozhikode can be made online or offline, depending on the process an applicant wants to opt for.
Online application process to obtain a driving license in Kozhikode
Offline application process to obtain a driving license in Kozhikode
If a driving license is stolen, lost or damaged, an applicant can apply for a duplicate driving license in Kozhikode. Application for a duplicate driving license in Kozhikode can be made within 6 months from the date of loss.
Documents required for obtaining a duplicate driving license in Kozhikode
Procedure to obtain a duplicate driving license in Kozhikode
An application for a driving license in Kozhikode can be made online through The applicant will have to click on duplicate driving license and then on apply online. The applicant will have to mention details such as the RTO where is he is applying for, license number and date of birth. On doing this, an application number will be generated, post which the applicant will have to visit the RTO along with the original copies of the documents. The documents will then be verified by an RTO officer on the basis of which the duplicate DL is issued to the applicant. An applicant can also download the application form online through Offline application can be directly made at the RTO.
Once the permanent driving license is issued, an individual will have to get it renewed at the time of its expiry. A driving license issued in Kozhikode is valid for a period of 20 years or until the age of 50, whichever is early for the applicant. The application for renewal of DL has to be made within 30 days from the date of expiry as not doing so can attract a fine of Rs. 1000/- per year for late application.
Documents required for renewal of driving license in Kozhikode
Procedure to renew driving license in Kozhikode
Renewal of driving license in Kozhikode can be done online through Kerala Motor Vehicles Department Website- or offline, directly at the RTO office. If applying online, the applicant will have to submit his date of birth, driving license number and then other basic details. He will then have to visit the RTO for verification of the documents. Once the documents are verified, the renewed DL is issued to the applicant on the same day. Application for renewal of DL can also be done offline at the RTO by procuring the form from
The Motor Licensing Authority of Kozhikode issues an international driving license to individuals who wish to drive a motor vehicle in foreign countries. Application for an international driving license can be made by individuals above the age of 18 and is valid for a period of 1 year.
Documents required for obtaining an international driving license in Kozhikode
Procedure to obtain an international driving license in Kozhikode
Application for an international driving permit in Kozhikode can be made online through or directly at the RTO. The applicant can fill and submit the form online and will have to visit the RTO with the original documents for verification purpose. Once the documents are verified, the IDP is issued to the applicant. Application for an international DL can be made directly at the RTO by procuring the form online through and filling and submitting it along with the relevant documents.
Application for a driving license in Kozhikode can be made after 30 days from the date of issuance of the learner’s license. Once the applicant has applied for the license, he will have to appear for a driving test to obtain a DL in Kozhikode. Appearing for a DL test is a mandatory process as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. The test is conducted in the presence of a Motor Vehicles Inspector who inspects the applicants driving skills and knowledge about traffic rules and regulations. The applicant will have to get his own vehicle for the test and will have to pass the two tests i.e. ground test and the road test. In the ground test, the applicant will be asked to drive the vehicle along the designated tracks. In the road test, the applicant’s driving skills are tested. If the applicant passes the test, the DL is delivered to his doorstep within 2-3 weeks. However, if the applicant fails the test, then he will be denied the DL and can re-appear for the test after 7 days.
Vehicles that are used for hire or reward are classified as transport vehicles in Kozhikode.
A commercial DL issued in Kozhikode is valid for a period of 1 year.
The application fee for DL test in Kozhikode is Rs. 300 for one class of vehicle.
You can check your driving license status online in Kozhikode through Under application status, select license and then enter application number and the status of your DL will be displayed on the screen. You can also check DL status at the RTO where you applied for the DL.