To be able to drive a motor vehicle in India, it is a must for an indiviudal to obtain a driving license. The first step towards getting a driving license is to get a learning license. A learning license is a document that can be availed by individuals above the age of 16 years. However, to obtain this document, it is must for the applicant to go through the learning license test, which involves a set of questions related to traffic rules and regulations in the country.
Depending on the services provided by the RTO in various states, a learning license test can be given online or offline. On the basis of the results of the test, the learning license is issued to the applicant. It is important for the applicant to answer a minimum number of questions correctly to obtain the LL.
The learning license test is generally in the form of question answer format with multiple answer choices given.
Since any kind of ‘test’ can make an indiviudal feel nervous, here we give you a set of sample learning license test questions that are generally asked during the test.
A vehicle insurance is mandatory for every vehicle registered as per The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
The correct answers are highlighted in bold
What should you do when a vehicle is involved in an accident causing injury to any person?
On a road designated as one way is?
What is the validity of learner’s license?
Free passage should be given to what kind of vehicles?
Zebra lines are meant for?
In what circumstances is overtaking of the vehicle prohibited?
Overtaking when a vehicle is approachable is
Unnecessary and repeated use of horn is prohibited under the law
How can a transport vehicle be distinguished?
When should fog lamps be used?
Using unregistered vehicle in public place is?
Vehicles proceeding from the opposite direction should be allowed to pass through
Driver of a vehicle can overtake
When your vehicle is being overtaken, you should
What to do when driving near a school?
For many days can you drive a vehicle without a valid car insurance policy?
Number plate has to be in which format?
More than 2 people on a two wheeler is
Is it necessary to buy vehicle insurance?
Parking is prohibited in case of
What type of vehicle insurance is mandatory in India?
When a blind person crosses the road holding white cane
When is it applicable to drink and drive?
When is it applicable to drink and drive?
What does yellow traffic light represent?
-Slow down
Vehicle registration is important?