Looking to obtain a driving license in Lucknow? Then you should first be well aware about the process involved in obtaining a DL in Lucknow. In the city of Lucknow, applying for a driving license can be done with ease as one can apply for a DL online in this city of Uttar Pradesh. The Regional Transport Authority of Uttar Pradesh is entrusted with the responsibility of issuing driving license to its citizens and also carrying out various services related to it. The RTO office in Lucknow works as per the regulations of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and providing driving license related services remains one of its main functions.
A vehicle insurance policy is mandatory for every vehicle registered at Lucknow RTO as per The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
Depending on the type of vehicle an individual wants to drive, the Lucknow RTO will issue the below types of driving licenses:
Driving license for a motorcycle without gear: This type of driving license is issued to an individual who wishes to drive a motor cycle or a two wheeler without gear. This DL type includes vehicles such as scooters, mopeds, etc.
Driving license for a light motor vehicle: This type of driving license is issued to an individual who wishes to drive a light motor vehicle or a motor cycle with gear. This DL type includes vehicles such as a bike, car, etc.
Driving license for a heavy motor vehicle: This type of driving license is issued to an individual who wishes to drive a heavy motor vehicle or a commercial vehicle. This type of DL includes vehicles such as truck, lorry, cab, trailer, etc.
If the applicant meets the above eligibility criteria’s, then he will have to submit the below documents to the RTO office to obtain a DL in Lucknow.
If you are applying for a driving license in Lucknow, then you will have to follow the below-mentioned steps that explain the online as well as offline application process.
Online application process to apply for driving license in Lucknow
Offline application process to apply for a driving license in Lucknow
In case your license is stolen, lost or damaged then it is possible to obtain a duplicate driving license in Lucknow from any RTO office in Uttar Pradesh.
The applicant will have to submit the below documents to the RTO office
Procedure to apply for a duplicate driving license in Lucknow
In Lucknow, DL for a private vehicle is valid for a period of 20 years or until the age of 50, whichever is early for the applicant. On expiry of the driving license, an applicant will have to renew the DL within a period of 30 days from the date of expiry.
Documents required for renewal of driving license in Lucknow
Procedure for renewal of driving license in Lucknow
Note: If the driving license is not renewed within a grace period of 30 days then an additional fee of Rs. 1000 is charged for delay per year.
An individual can apply for an International driving license in Lucknow if he wishes to drive any type of motor vehicle on a foreign land. An International driving license issued in Lucknow is valid for a period of 1 year and an applicant has to submit the below documents for procuring the same.
Documents required for obtaining an International driving license in Lucknow
Procedure for obtaining an International driving permit in Lucknow
The applicant can apply for an International driving license in Lucknow by following the below mentioned steps:
An applicant can also apply for an international driving permit through www.uptransport.co.in
A driving license test in Lucknow is conducted as per rule 15 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. The test is conducted in presence of a motor vehicles inspector who will test the applicants driving skill and his familiarity with the vehicle and knowledge about traffic rules and regulations. To appear for the test, the applicant will have to bring along his own vehicle which should be of the same category of the DL he is applying for.
You can check your DL status in Lucknow through sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/HomePage.jsp or by directly visiting the RTO and enquiring about the status.
The validity of a commercial driving license issued in Lucknow is 3 years.
If you fail the test in the first attempt, then you can reappear for the DL test after 7 days from the date of giving the test.
The fee for addition of new class to the DL issued in Lucknow is Rs.500.
You will have to fill in details such as your date of birth, name of your parent, place of birth, residential address, educational qualification, etc.