To ensure swift working of the transport system in Asansol, the Motor Vehicles Department of the city has made it compulsory for individuals to obtain a driving license. The Asansol RTO is shouldered with the responsibility of issuing driving licenses and providing other services related to it. An individual has to go through an application process and a driving test to obtain a driving license in Asansol. If an individual is looking to obtain a DL in Asansol, then he can follow the process mentioned below.
A car insurance is mandatory for every vehicle registered at Asansol RTO as per The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
In Asansol, a driving license is issued by the licensing authority that issues it on the basis of the vehicle type an individual wants to drive.
Below are the types of driving licenses issued by the Asansol RTO
Once an individual has decided on the type of driving license he wants to obtain, he will have to follow the below eligibility requirements accordingly.
An individual has to submit the below documents to the Asansol RTO office to obtain a driving license in the city.
In Asansol, an individual cannot drive a motor vehicle unless he holds a driving license for driving that particular class of vehicle.
Online application for obtaining a driving license in Asansol
Offline application process for obtaining a driving license in Asansol
To obtain a duplicate driving license in Asansol, an applicant has to submit a few documents and get them verified by an RTO official at the Asansol RTO. A duplicate driving license is issued when an individual’s original driving license is stolen, mutilated or lost.
Documents required for obtaining a duplicate driving license in Asansol
Procedure for obtaining a duplicate driving license in Asansol
An applicant can obtain a duplicate driving license within 6 months from the date of its loss. If the applicant does not make an application for duplicate DL within the given time, then a special permission needs to be obtained from the Headquarters of the West Bengal Transport Department. An application form for obtaining duplicate DL in Asansol can be obtained through or the applicant can also make an application through Once the application is processed, the duplicate DL is delivered to the applicant on the basis of verification of the form and the documents submitted.
To obtain a renewed driving license in Asansol, an applicant will have to submit the below documents and visit the RTO for the verification process. A driving license issued in Asansol is valid for a period of 20 years or until the age of 50, whichever is earlier. On the expiry of the original DL, the applicant will have to renew the expired DL within 30 days.
Documents required for renewal of driving license in Asansol
Procedure for renewal of driving license in Asansol
Renewal of driving license in Asansol can be done within 30 days from the date of expiry of the license as making an application after the grace period would make the applicant liable to pay an additional fee of Rs. 1000/- per late year renewal. The application for obtaining a renewed DL in Asansol can be made online through or the applicant can directly visit the RTO for the same. On verification of the documents, the renewed DL is issued to the applicant on the same day.
Indian citizens living abroad can apply for an international driving license in India if they wish to drive a motor vehicle there. An international driving license in Asansol can be obtained to drive in countries that have signed the 1949 Geneva Convention. The Asansol RTO provides for issuance of an international DL on submission of the documents mentioned below.
Documents required for obtaining an international driving license in Asansol
Procedure to obtain an international driving permit in Asansol
Application for an international driving license in Asansol can be made by an individual who is above the age of 18 years and possesses a valid driving license. Application for obtaining an international DL in Asansol can be made online through or directly at the RTO office. On submission of the documents, the international DL is granted to the applicant.
To be able to freely drive a vehicle in the city of Asansol, an individual requires a driving license that gives him the freedom to ply his vehicle all over India. Appearing for a driving test in Asansol is a mandatory process as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. The test is conducted in presence of a motor vehicles inspector who inspects the applicant’s driving skills. The applicant has to get his own vehicle for the test and has to drive it along the designed tracks. The track is conducted on an ‘S’ or ‘H’ shaped track depending on the type of license an applicant is applying for. On passing the test, the driving license is delivered to the applicant’s doorstep. On passing the driving test, the biometrics will be recorded, post which he will be issued the DL.
No, you cannot obtain more than one license in Asansol.
To be eligible to obtain a commercial DL in Asansol, an individual should hold a driving license for a light motor vehicle for 1 year.
If you fail the driving test in Asansol, then you can re-appear for the same after a span of 7 days.
You can check the driving license status in Asansol online through or at the RTO office. If checking online, you will have to enter details such as driving license number and date of birth.