Is it difficult to care for the senior citizens in your family? It won’t be anymore. Check out these safety and wellness tips that are a must for all elderly people.

We made our parents dance on their toes when we were kids.
We cried and stamped our feet if they pulled away our favorite toy. Nagged and made weird faces, when they fed us the food we didn’t like. Got them to chase us when it was time for us to bathe. Woke them up from their slumber at nights whenever we wanted to answer nature’s call.
We all did that, didn’t we?
It is believed that when we grow old, we become children again – Naive, playful, and stubborn.
You would have observed this in your aging parents and grandparents.
The tables have turned. It’s time you love, pamper and nurture them, much more than they have ever done for you when you were a child.
For that, here are some handy safety tips to ensure the wellness of the elders in your family:
1. Say No to UV Rays with Sunscreen and Hats
“Old people should not wear sunscreen” – This is just a myth!
Young or old, everyone should wear sunscreen when outdoors. In fact, as we age, our skin turns more sensitive to the sunlight. Even when our elders step out for their early morning walks, you should NOT assume that a few sunrays won’t make a difference.
No doubt, Vitamin D is essential for bone growth, but UV rays just kills it all, increasing your vulnerability to skin cancer. Family members and friends should gently remind the senior citizens at home to put on some sunscreen lotion.
Wearing a hat also works as a great idea for those already having scanty hair. Nobody wants to go the complete bald-way too soon, isn’t it?
2. Shield the Eyes
Before going to bed it is suggested to wash the eyes gently with cool water as it clears off any dust particles that were caught up in the lashes. Once a month, make it a point to get their eyes checked regularly and if needed, change the lenses of their spectacles.
Loss of vision is very common among the elderly. Exposure to sun rays can irritate and further cause damage to their weak eyes. Wearing sunglasses can protect their eyes from UV rays and preserve the vision.
3. Wear the Right Clothes
When youngsters can dress as per the weather, why leave senior citizens behind? When the weather is warmer, natural fabrics such as cotton is better than synthetic outfits. Light colored and light-fitting clothes can keep them cool.
Elderly people are more prone to catching a flu. During winters, stock up their wardrobe with woolens to help keep them warm.
4. Hydration Is Life-Saving
As compared to young people, seniors are more susceptible to dehydration. It is because at their age, their bodies aren’t able to conserve water the way we do. Since their bodies take time to adapt to the temperature changes, they become less aware of their thirst.
Warm water does the trick. It quenches the thirst, clears throat, improves digestion, and soothes the gastrointestinal tract of the body.
5. Regular Conversations with the Doctor
Don’t just take your aging parents and grandparents to the family doctor when they fall ill. Due to illnesses and health problems that occur after a certain age, our elders may have to consume medication for the rest of their lives (for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.)
Taking them for a weekly health check-up is paramount. It prevents their medical condition from aggravating any further due to climatic conditions or any other reason.
6. Spend Time with Neighbors and Friends
At old age, people usually tend to think of leaving the world for good. This could further depress them.
Playing with little children, talking to neighbors and people of the same age group can really lift up their spirit. Take time out of your busy schedules and spend quality time with them. Recall all those funny moments, festivals, celebrations, and your childhood days when you are with them.
“Laughter is the best medicine”. You have heard this saying a million times before. So, why not put it to practice? Get them to join laughter clubs. It really helps senior citizens enjoy their golden years.
7. The Emergency Speed-Dial List
Prepare a list of emergency numbers or in other words, the I-know-they-will-answer-my-call-for-sure list! Store these numbers on your speed dial as well as keep it in an easy to access area.
The right people can be called for help in times of emergency or to prevent any medical issues from worsening.
8. Exercise Is the Wise Thing to Do
Walking early mornings or late evening when the sun is not at its peak is the ideal form of workout for the elderly. If they don’t enjoy going out for long walks, don’t worry! There are many other ways to keep senior citizens happily active.
Gardening, cooking, and many other activities can keep them engaged.
9. Health Insurance to the Rescue
They may be aging rapidly. But, there is no harm in securing their old age. While planning retirement, medical insurance is something that shouldn’t be given a miss. Buying the right health insurance plan for senior citizens in India would require evaluation.
Generally, insurance companies hesitate to insure senior citizens because of their age, and susceptibility to illnesses and death. Basically the risk is high.
Fortunately, there are some health insurers in India who offer special health plans that are designed exclusively for senior citizens. This provides financial backing to tackle medical expenses without any hassles.
Remember – you don’t need an occasion to show your elders that you care. Really.
Gift them a senior citizen health insurance plan today. :)
Recommended Read: Hurdle while buying health insurance