Over the past few years, state governments are taking a lot of steps to ensure that they cater to the needs of their employees. As a result, there are quite a few schemes available for employees of the state governments. Amidst growing inflation and ever-increasing prices of all commodities, such schemes are most welcome. Telangana state government employees and journalists health scheme is one such important introduction. Here is everything that you need to know about the scheme.
Telangana state government employees and journalists health scheme is a newly introduced health insurance plan that is curated for pensioners, its employees, journalists, and their dependent family members. Simply put, the plan allows all the beneficiaries to avail of cashless benefits for their medical needs at any of the network hospitals.
One of the biggest perks of this employee health scheme is that it replaces the age-old reimbursement model. And it packs in additional benefits in the form of coverage for chronic disease, coverage for post-hospitalisation expenses, etc.
Though the policy is curated for the employees of the state government, they must meet certain eligibility criteria to be able to avail of this policy.
Employees Currently Serving
Dependent Family Members
Retired Employees or Journalists
For further clarity, here is what a family means in this context.
And here is what a dependent means, in the context of the policy.
The employee health scheme is a well-packaged policy that offers quite a few features and benefits. The following are some of the leading features of the plan.
As is the case with any other insurance policy, the employee and journalist health scheme offers quite a few benefits as well. Being aware of these benefits will help you make the most of the scheme or use it appropriately when needed. Here are some of the benefits of the scheme.
Outpatient Treatment
Follow up Visits
No Upper Limit
Admission to Hospital
Slab A: Beneficiaries under this slab can avail of semi-private wards and their pay grades must be between I to IV. Slab B: Beneficiaries under this slab can avail of semi-private wards and their pay grades must be between V to XVII. Slab C: This slab is applicable to employees who are in the pay grade between XVIII and XXXII.
All the insurance policies have exclusions. These are scenarios or conditions that that policy does not offer coverage for. Should you file a claim for any of these scenarios, the chances are very high that the same might get rejected. Here are some of the exclusions for the employee health scheme Telangana government has come up with. The list primarily lists the beneficiaries who cannot avail of the scheme.
The first step involves registering the beneficiary at a network hospital either with a referral or a complaint about registration. Once the registration is complete, the patient then moves to OP consultation. Where further investigation is carried out and depending on the medical condition, they are moved to inpatient. If the patient is found to be suffering from any of the listed therapies, a pre-authorization is submitted to the trust. It is then followed by the treatment of the patient. After the completion of treatment and discharge, the network hospital usually waits for 10 days before filing a claim.
The employee health scheme by the Telangana government is a positive step and it is in the right direction. Such schemes will help the beneficiaries receive adequate medical attention without particularly having to worry about the expenses.