To reduce infant mortality rates, maternal mortality rates and provide quality services to pregnant women and children across India is one of the primary missions of the National Health Mission. The Reproductive and Child Health Programme (RCH) was launched in the country in the year 1997 to enable women to regulate fertility and to ensure safe pregnancy and childbirth. The programme was started as per recommendation of the International Conference on Population and Development held in the year 1994.
Below are objectives of the Reproductive Child Health Programme
A special portal has been designed by the government to identify and track individual beneficiaries throughout the reproductive life cycle of women and promote, monitor and support maternal, reproductive, new-born and child health delivery and reporting.
Few of the key aspects of the portal are:
RCH Programme Phase I Aim
Programmes for RCH-I
RCH-I Components
Aim of RCH Programme Phase II
The aim of RCH programme Phase II is to derive outcome as envisioned in the Millennium Development Goals , 10th Plan, Population Policy and National Health Policy 2022.
RCH Programme Phase II Objective
Below are few of the goals of the RCH programme:
Main target of RCH programme is to reduce maternal, infant and total fertility rate