Swasthya Sathi is a group health insurance scheme launched by Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamta Banerjee. The scheme which provides coverage to every family and citizen, irrespective of their age group was launched in the year 2016. Over 2, 13, 638 families have been enrolled in this scheme which offers cashless hospitalization service and is smart card based. The scheme aims to benefit 7.5 crore people. The scheme was launched by the government as a part of its ‘Duare Sarkar’ campaign which means ‘government at your doorstep’. Read more about Swasthya Sathi scheme and the smart card in detail below.
Given below are the features of the Swasthya Sathi Scheme
Applying for the Swasthya Sathi scheme is easy. Simply follow the given below process.
The smart card can be availed offline by filling out an Swasthya Sathi Scheme application form. The form can be downloaded online through the official website swasthyasathi or can be taken from the nearest medical center. Required documents like Aadhar card, official domicile, BPL certificate, etc. have to be provided. A SMS alert with district code and serial number is sent to the registered mobile number. A unique registration number is generated post which the smart card is delivered to the applicant within a week.
The smart card can also be verified online through the official website of Swasthya Sathi i.e.
The Swasthya Sathi app is available for download on Google Playstore. The app has the following features
Yes, both OPD & IPD are covered under Swasthya Sathi Scheme
Swasthya Sathi Scheme offers coverage of 5 lakh
The Swasthya Sathi hospital list can be found online through its official website
All the residents of West Bengal are eligible for coverage under the Swasthya Sathi Scheme