Mutual Fund advisors generally request to rebalance your portfolio one in a year. Does your mutual fund portfolio require a revision?
When was the last time you looked into your mutual fund portfolio? If you have a mutual fund portfolio, it is advisable that you make regular check-ups on a quarterly basis to ensure that it is performing as per your benchmarks. Your benchmarks are derived from your appetite for risk, financial goals, investment income and other factors. When you are aware of your benchmarks, you automatically look for the right allocation of debt-equity ratio.
But at times, due to market volatility or a stock plummet, you are required to rebalance your mutual fund portfolio in order to protect your investment.
Therefore, rebalancing can be defined as the process by which an investor makes alterations to their investment portfolio to its target allocation. If your mutual fund portfolio is not performing as per your expectations, you need to rebalance it to bring it back in line with your investment goals.
In case your mutual fund requires thorough revision, rebalancing is the only option. Rebalancing will help you bring back your portfolio to its original asset allocation. When you build a mutual fund portfolio, it is based on your appetite for risk and the investment amount. This indirectly reflects the debt-equity proportion within your mutual fund portfolio. Over the investment horizon, one asset class might move more than the other. Under such a scenario, the mutual fund portfolio has diverged from the original asset allocation. This, in return, will affect the overall performance of the fund.
Example, if equity stocks have been performing well over the last five years while debt bonds have been underperforming, the equity component of your portfolio will grow more than debt. This will increase the amount of equity in your portfolio if it was not originally intended. In such a case, you need to reduce the exposure to equity in order to restore the original asset allocation.
There are two important reasons why it is ideal to rebalance your mutual fund portfolio.
The ideal time to rebalance your mutual fund portfolio is when you review the performance of the portfolio on an annual basis. If you feel that the original asset allocation has diverged by a certain parameter or percentage, it is ideal to rebalance it at that point. The minimum recommended divergence is 5%. Example, if you target equity allocation was 80% and the existing allocation is 60%, you must rebalance your portfolio. 5% is considered as the minimum threshold as it does not require frequent rebalancing and ensures that in times of market volatility, you can make rectifications for the same.
There are three ways to rebalance your portfolio:
One important thing to remember is when you are putting more money into your mutual fund portfolio, ensure that the underperformance of the fund was due to market volatility rather than the underperformance of the fund itself. Underperformance of the fund due to non-market factors can indicate that the fund is not being managed properly. If that is the case, you need to let go of the fund and invest in a new one. This is where rebalancing can play a significant role.
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